Thursday, 24 November 2011

I find it hard to get excited about Christmas. There are so many people missing from the usual gatherings and it absolutely breaks my heart that the number will only grow as time goes on.

My first memories of the holidays are in Kamloops with my mom's parents. Grampa would play the guitar or banjo or harmonica or fiddle and we would sing and dance around the living room surrounded by aunts and uncles and cousins. That tradition continued when Gramma moved to Alberta and we would ALWAYS have Christmas at her house.

I remember playing foosball with my cousins or tile rummy on the living room floor. My mom always hosted a get together if we were going away skiing for the holidays.

Grampa Parker playing some tunes...

Last year at Christmas I was NOT having a good time...I had just decided that a divorce would be the only option in my marriage, Lindsay passed away a couple weeks before, it would be the first Christmas without Gramma Parker...just a whole bunch of stuff that I didn't want to deal with on top of trying to be happy.

The most beautiful moment...Gramma's surprise 80th Birthday party in 2008

CFST in Lake Louise

Sky's Birthday is Dec 24, I cannot imagine having a holiday without her. Someone recently mentioned to me that she might not be around for too many more years...that's scary. Sky has been there for me in every painful moment i've had for the last 7 years...7 years is longer than any relationship i've had so far...unconditional love is a beautiful thing.

So this year i've decided that presents, decorations, all that crap doesn't matter, i'm going to make time to spend with the people I love and remember those who are not with us anymore. I have still bought presents...don't be alarmed. Life is too short to be caught up in material Christmas, this year I have helped so many people achieve their goals and allowing them to be happy and confident, I feel like I don't need all that.
We Love you Linds!

I know this blog is all over the place but where else can I share my favourite holiday photos and express my thoughts...Dear Diary...
Love the ones you have friends!
Grampa Clark and Auntie Grace

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

It's more than just a word...

The story behind my latest tattoo has been in the works since spring of 2009. I was at my absolute lowest point in life thus far and I refused to let it stop me from being myself. I dug deep and found strength in fitness and running. I needed that strength to pack up my things and drive across Canada to start a new life. I found it again when my Grandmother passed away a year later. I lost sight of how far I had come in the summer of 2010 but found it somewhere deep in a yoga pose. I needed that strength to be there for Linds when we found out the cancer had spread. I used her strength to inspire me to raise money for a cause and train for an epic journey. I shared strength with my family when Linds passed away and we pulled together to help eachother. I found the strength to leave a career I loved and took a chance on something new. I share my knowledge of strength everyday with my clients to make them stronger physically and in turn, emotionally. I remembered Linzi's strength somewhere south of Calgary and used it to push through rain and incredible winds to ride over 200km to conquer cancer.
I searched for a symbol to represent strength but came up with nothing remarkable...words are simple and to the point. I continue to set goals and use the strengths I have and all that I have learned a long the way to better myself and others around me...and obviously the pink and the L are for I never forget her strength. The location is on my right I can read it when I need to.

Sunday, 9 October 2011

Goal setting for 2012

I realize this seems a little early but by the time you've finished reading this you'll understand why.

So my race goals for 2011 were pretty straight forward. Ride over 200 Km in the Enbridge Ride to Conquer Cancer and complete an Olympic distance tri (1500-40-10)...I spent some long hours on my bike and swam even more last year than I ever have before. The ride wasn;t a race but it was certainly challenging...emotionally and physically. I expected the triathlon to go badly, with my hip being questionable so close to the race and my confidence shot. I managed to overcome and run my own race to 4th in my age group!!!

Up until a week ago I was tossing around the idea of racing in Canmore again and doing the Banff Tri...until I got caught up in Kona. For those of you who don't know, Kona is the Ironman world championship race. Obviously held in Kona, Hawaii...but it's more than that...there are only 1800 spots available for racers and you have to earn it. Then pay your way to get there as well as a hefty race entry fee. No, i'm not aiming for Kona next year.

So I was tossing around the idea of another half marathon, or even a marathon...but remembering how much my joints hate training for only one sport. So back to triathlon...and (here it comes) 2012 I will race in Ironman Calgary 70.3!!!!

Before you fall of your chair and try to tell me it's not reasonable, hear me out. First of's not a full's a half. And second, the swim is 1.9km, the bike is 90km and the run is 21.1km...
I have completed all these distances...i'm 400m short on the swim but 400m is like 16 pool lengths. Easy peasy.

So in preparation I will race in the Lake Summerside Triathlon in Edmonton (June) in the Olympic event and make myself follow a training program...this will be the difficult part. I have never followed an "actual" plan but I will commit my mind and body to this race and it starts now. There will be no room for nutrition failure and no room for slacking. I have dicussed this with Colin and he is behind me 100%, with the understanding that this will be tough, and I will be training A LOT.

SO BRING IT ON CALGARY!!! (in 9 months...)

Thursday, 25 August 2011

An ode to my Jetta

Oh Volkswagen, we had some glorious times...we had our trying moments, it's been an interesting 5 years...
I remember looking all over Ottawa for you, it was a very specific search. After a test drive we did up the paperwork and I was SO excited! I traded in an old Jeep Grand Cherokee and attempted to drive you home...attempted. Paul was away so it was just the two of us. I had driven the Land Rover but not in the city...the manual transmission thing was sure interesting! It took us 2.5 hours to get home...but by the time we got there I had it!
It was so nice getting 1000km to a tank of fuel...even when the cost of diesel went up to 1.45$!!! You never failed me in the rain, snow, sleet, or freezing rain...always reliable, always warmed up my bum with your heated seats.
We drove all over eastern and southern Ontario...comfort, german engineering, and the sound of a 200 Tdi engine. When it came time for us to drive home to Alberta you still preformed was a long 3 days.
We battled our first Alberta winter and drove to Jasper a few times...the check engine light came on shortly after one trip. And then it started...the never-ending headache of trying to diagnose the fault. After about a year it was decided your turbo was beginning to fail...but since no oil was being used, the fuel economy stayed the same, and my acceleration was relatively normal we left it alone...2 years later still nothing was going wrong.
So today I left you at the Ford dealership...kind of sad because it's not where you belong. but with over 225000 km on the clock it was time for something newer, bigger, with 4x4...and a sunroof.

Farewell my Jetta....thanks for the good times...

Tuesday, 23 August 2011

2011 Alberta Challenge race report

Most of you already know that I competed in an Olympic distance triathlon this was my first distance longer than a sprint...even though the Canmore Tri was a long distance sprint of 1000m swim, 30Km bike and 7Km run.

1500m swim:
I was nervous, feeling like it was a really long ways and like maybe I hadn't prepared enough. The swim isn't my strongest event. Everything started off as planned, I waited a few seconds for the fast swimmers to go ahead and began my own, as I reached the first turn, somehow the swim buoy got blown into my face when I sighted...I gasped and took in some of that icky, salty water...I coughed, sat up...composed myself, and kept swimming...
The rest of the swim was pretty uneventful...lots of time to think and ponder just how long this was going to take...36 minutes apparently. I thought I would be near the very end of the swimmers but apparently there were about 20 people behind me...even better.

40Km bike:
After a relatively smooths transition, out on the bike I go...the first 4 Km feeling like my legs are full of cement. good time to get a gel and hydrate. The rest of the bike flew by...the only down fall was when I tried to snot rocket that icky lake water from my sinues that was driving me crazy I got it all over my shoulder! including my transition from swim to bike, the 40km, AND my transition from bike to took me 1:46.

10Km run:
I started legs to blame...but got my pace back about 1km in...then came the hills. The trail was a mix of grass and gravel and BIG steep uphills...more like a trail race than a triathlon! I allowed myself to walk up the bigger hills to save my quads then speed up going down and on the flats. 2 laps of 5km...seemed like a long way. Middle of lap 2 my knee began to twinge and ache...but really this is my hip acting up. (confusing I know, so my tight hip pulls on my IT band, causing my knee to strain...the pain comes from the knee but the injury is actually the hip). I made an out-loud decision to pay no attention to it...what I said was "you do not exist." And somewhere along the way I realized I had passed a lot of people on the course. I finished always, and extremely happy with just finishing.

I went to the results board and they hadn't posted the run times yet, but the swim and bike were the time I was sitting last in my age group...competitive me was slightly bummed but got less bummed when I won a door prize of a free pair of runners from The Tech Shop! WAHOO! I went and checked the results afterwards and during the run I moved up to 4th place in my age group...awesome! The one part of the race I had been dreading the most because of my hip and I ROCKED IT! According to them I rocked it in 1:11...not too bad considering it was the end of a long tri, the heat, the trail and 10K PB is 53min.

So my new shoes have been secured...New Balance 880's...went for a 15 min jog on the treadmill today...they feel fantastic! (and so does my hip!)
Another goal met for this what's next...a half ironman? more olympic distance? another half marathon....the possibilities are endless!

Me rocking the 40km bike...

Sunday, 7 August 2011

Balance...or an athletic teeter-totter

It's been awhile since my last post, I blame, training, friends, family, I could probably make an entire blog post about why I couldn't make the time to update my blog. I'm not sure where i'm going with this one yet so that just may be what it's about!

So how does one learn to balance their job AND their social life, especially since one's job is very demanding right now. I love my work and I love helping people reach their goals even more but I do need to work on saying "no." Which, oddly enough is one of the first things a co-worker said to me when I began this position.

I began squeezing in yoga classes whenever I could...trying to find this balance between a job and a passion that is always on the go and making myself slow down and simply enjoy the moment. Somewhere between tadasana (mountain pose) and virkasana (tree pose) I always seem to find this balance. Quite literally actually. In that yoga studio I am able to let go of my crazy life, the bills, the training runs, the bike maintenance, scheduling clients, squeezing in professional development, making time for friends, family and trying to keep my sanity.

But my life isn't in a yoga studio...what can I change about my life to make it more yoga-esque and less hectic? The truth is I can' sometimes little stresses become larger than life and feelings that I had managed to keep down in the past begin to show themselves. This results in very off days being the nicest possible way of putting it.

So what happens when you can't hold it together anymore? I escape. To the trails on my mountain bike, to the long country roads on my road bike, to the streets in my running shoes, to the weight room to clean, snatch, deadlift, chin up and sweat my worries away. I have to wonder if fitness will always be the escape...what happens if one day it's not enough to crank out a good 10Km run or do the 3 bars of death workout? Or maybe someday there will be a day where I don't need the escape...i'll simply be one of those people who can "fun run" or will one of my nagging injuries get the better of me?

I had an interesting discussion with my physiotherapist, Anne, at our last treatment session. We were talking about how some people "drop out" of a boot camp half way through a set or stop mid-triathlon and DNF....what kind of pain does it take for your body to say "no" or just "no thanks." And where do we draw that line? I know for me that line is a long way away, I will run through pain until my body stops working all together. But someone else might get a side stitch or a hangnail and not finish. Does that mean I have a high physical pain tolerance or a highly evolved mental pain tolerance? Does my brain not allow my body to stop moving or does it block out minor pain until it becomes overwhelming? And lastly, is this a good thing or a bad thing?

New goal: teach my body to find the point just before an "athletic discomfort" turns into an injury...the truth is, I just can't stop training. I won't let my body lose strength and tone. So maybe this goal has to wait...stay tuned for more thoughts.

*I am currently receiving IMS therapy from Anne Edwards at CSA Physio in Edmonton, AB, She's amazing and I highly reccomend CSA for any sports injury!*

Monday, 27 June 2011

Epic Ride, Epic Impact

I signed up for the Enbridge Ride to Conquer Cancer a year ago, seems like an eternity since then. It was last summer when my cousin Lindsay was going through chemo and we had just buried Gramma Parker with Grampa and we were all optimistic. When I posted on FB that I had signed up for the ride Linds asked if I was doing this for her...I replied "OFCOURSE!" She promised me she'd be at the finishline.

But things change and indeed they did here...Lindsay's condition deteriorated and she began to have unbelievable pain, she passed away in December. It was shocking for all of us, I remember talking to our cousin Chelsey and saying "I honestly thought she'd make it through." The following few months were tough...I still feel like something's missing. It seemed like the ride was so far away...then all of a sudden it was June. I surpassed my goal of $3000 and have raised over $4500 to date in memory of Linds.

The day before the ride I was still running around, scrambling to get stuff done...I went to MEC and was nearly late for work because I decided I should get some chain oil, a new vest and a new jersey. Saturday morning came very fast...breakfast onsite at 6:30am. A very nice (yet, delusional) lady mistook me for olympic speed skater Cindy Klassen.....that made my day so far! The time came to line up at the start for the opening ceremonies...a truly emotional event.

Opening Ceremonies snippets

Needless to say I began the ride with tear in my eyes thinking about Linds and how much she wanted to be there...I then remembered I had her picture in my back pocket, and not just a picture, a funny one at that! She would have told me to "suck it up" and ride my bike. So I did, I left Spruce Meadows with 2200 other riders.

I was good and warm after the first 2 hills towards Okotoks and managed to stay hydrated and refuel as needed. The entire 112KM of day 1 was up and down the whole way...the only thing you could see was the hill you were on and the next one! Highlight of the day was hitting 60 kph on the bike! the whole day was sunny with a biggie. As we rolled into camp there was a huge crowd of volunteers waiting. There were volunteers everywhere the whole day but this was truly something...someone walked my bike to the rack for me, helped me find all my stuff and told me how the evening would go! I went straight for my gear and my tent and to the shower! Colin and my cousin Shane showed up just after that and we chilled out for most of the night...I made good use of my 2 free beers! I also rolled out all my sore muscles with a tennis ball so I would be limber for Sunday.

Sunday morning...5:45am...people were awake and moving so I figured I should get up and keep warm. Thanks to the power of oatmeal and coffee! Around 6:30 the rain started...everyone's spirits were down...they wouldn't let us start riding until 7 so we huddled in the tent around the propane heaters. At 6:50 I realized I was delaying the inevitable so I zipped up my rain jacket and went out to get my bike. Problem cleats were FULL of mud, clipping in was interesting! The rain just kept coming, everytime I stopped pedalling a stream of cold road-water went straight into my shoe. By rest stop #1 I was COLD. I refilled my gatorade bottle and a VERY nice volunteer peeled my banana for me because my hands were too cold! At rest stop #2 the rain had kinda was depressing there, people were huddled under space blankets, and my right quad was giving me trouble. Again, I refilled my bottle with valuable electrolytes and got back on the road...this time the wind had picked up. It began to rain AGAIN as I pulled in for lunch. I parked my bike and walked over to the food tent...They had a mountain of peanut butter and jam sammies! My face lit up as I grabbed 2...comfort food is THE BEST when you're miserable! I also downed some more gatorade to try and ease the cramping and I warmed up with a space blanket. I decided it was now or never so back on the bike I went. 40km to go, the rain let up, the sun came out, the wind picked up...and we rode straight into's so depressing to ride down a hill into the wind and barely make it above 25 kph! I finally pulled into the last rest quad was screaming in pain with every push. I refuelled and asked what the last 20km was like...not really wanting to know the answer. They all said it was 4km to the turn, then a tailwind to the finish! I was gone in a flash! My jacket had dried out so I stuffed it in my back pocket and rode the last 14km mostly on my aerobars...It was still hilly but the wind at my back was nice. As I turned onto the road into Spruce Meadows I picked up my speed...I was crusing so fast that I forgot to smile and "fist pump" at the finish!

I unclipped about 100m past the line and just stood there...soon I was surrounded by my family, which was so incredible. I couldn't believe it was over, and that I had managed to overcome the hardships of that day.
We parked the bike and collected my gear...and I did a shot for Linds. She was with me the whole ride, I felt it. I'm so glad I was able to do this one thing for her, even though I felt like there was nothing I could do except be there when she needed me.

What an amazing journey of strength, grit, and humbleness...I am so proud to say that I accomplished this ride and was a part of raising $8.6 million for the Alberta Cancer Foundation!

With some of my cheerleaders

It's all about strength baby!

Me and Linds...

Wednesday, 15 June 2011

The Faja

It's Father's Day on Sunday, and if I do say so myself I have the best Dad ever. Period.

First of all, he's absolutely hilarious. This doesn't even begin to include the fact that he "mis-hears" us quite often, even though he wears a hearing aid or that he will walk in the door and ignore everyone else except for the dog. He is the Duke of Corn (-y jokes)...Uncle Doug (my dad's brother) being the King of Corn. AND he takes the worst ski pictures on the planet...yet, he always has the camera on ski trips...and when my Mom got a Blackerry and we are all adding everyone to BBM he kept putting off adding her...the man is a legend! And have you seen him dance? Epic.

Second of all, he has been through a lot and he's still awesome. 14 years ago my dad was in a serious fireworks explosion and he lost all the fingers on his left hand (leaving him with a palm) and his thumb and index finger on the right...leaving him with 3 fingers total. From day 1 he was making jokes and he had an amazing attitude. He still does, refusing to ask for help and doing all of the things he loves to do including skiing, golf, hockey, sailing and water skiing. He does amazingly well with his prosthetic hand...which also doubles as "the claw," and without it...he can even stick his whole stump in his mouth...yuck.

He has always supported me no matter how crazy my idea, goal, or next decision was. He never tried to change my mind or tell me what to do. He always says "Well, it's up to you." He also understands that i'm passionate about my sports and my fitness and never questions why I run in -20 or why i'm out checking my bike for the 10th time before an event. He's also an amazing teacher...and he's patient, he taught me how to drive and do all my own car one else I know could put up with me for that!

Cheers Dad, Happy Father's Day!

Dad and his Nissan 350z

Monday, 23 May 2011

Surfing on the prairies

After having the same boat for 23 years my parents invested in a new all singing, all dancing, bells and whistles, Mastercraft. I'll admit I was a little skeptical, I love our old boat...I have spent every summer since my brother was a baby behind that boat. You could almost say it's a part of our family.

Being May long weekend and also boat delivery day we spent the weekend at our family cottage. The nicest May long I can remember and the lake temperature was PERFECT (64 F).

About 5 seconds after my parents purchased the boat my brother bought a surfboard and a rope. Sounds strange but it's true. The surf rope is quite a bt shorter and you arent's more than 3 feet off the back of the boat... I even had a conversation with my brother while I was surfing and he was IN the boat! The tricky part is to find your "sweet spot" and ride the wake, then you drop the rope and stay there..."surfing." After 2 outings on the surfboard i'm farewell old boat, hello Mastercraft! (Complete with its on-board cooler, heaters, cruise control, sectional couch, USB port, and remote control boat lift)

Did I mention it's a heck of a workout?

Sunday, 8 May 2011

If you don't engage your core, who will?

I had an interesting dicussion last week with some co-workers. We were trying to figure out why people still think they can just do some crunches and get rid of their flabby tummy. I'm only going to say this once: THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS SPOT REDUCTION!

We then discussed the only exercises you REALLY need to do to be perfectly fit...they are as follows:
- Push ups
- Pull ups
- Squats
- Lunges
- Plank
- Rows
- Dips
(and cardio)

And if you really think about it...every other exercise out there is a variation of the above, add a ball, a BOSU or a step and that's how we stay in business! We change it up and create new exercises to keep it fun and exciting, and obviously if you are training for something specific we would find a bunch of different ways to target the muscles of the arms or glutes, or whatever the case may be.

As always, if you want to improve your core strength, start with posture...shoulders down and back, chest out, stand up tall, ENGAGE YOUR CORE!!!! (everyone has one).

Saturday, 7 May 2011

10 years...

Tonight is my 10 year high school reunion...yikes! Where has the time gone? What have I done in the last 10 years? What did I want to accomplish when I was 17?

10 years ago I had just been accepted to College, I was winning rugby championships, studying for diploma exams, being on again-off again with my boyfriend for the 10th or 19th time, and doing some under-aged drinking. I had no idea what kind of adult I wanted to become.

Today I have a fantastic job, an awesome boyfriend (we've only broken up once!), I have managed to remain incredibly active, have found my own style and am comfotable with who I am.

The following several events have gotten me to that point...
- My Grandpa Clark passing away
- Graduating with honours from college
- getting in my first and only car accident
- joining the ski patrol
- moving across the country for someone I loved
- buying and learning how to take care of a house
- making friends in a place where I knew no one
- Completing basic military qualification
- Planning a wedding mostly by myself
- Travelling to the UK and fitting everything I wanted to see in one week
- Driving a 1984 Land Rover across canada and the northern US
- teaching myself how to drive a manual transmission
- getting 3 speeding tickets in 2 months with my new car (oops!)
- Surviving 3 spousal deployments to Afghanistan
- taking up triathlon and learning how to train
- persevering through injuries
- learning how to un-freeze pipes in -40 when you have no water
- Heartbreak
-Packing up everything I own, arranging a moving truck, and driving home to Alberta
- moving back in with mom and dad
- getting my Marmot patrol rating
- my Grandma Parker passing away
- Being there for my cousin during her battle with cancer
- more heartbreak
- my "aha moment"
- My cousin losing her battle with cancer
- figuring out what I wanted in a relationship and career in the same week
- challenging my PT exam
- getting my dream job
- Love
Grade 12 Grad Picture

Spa Lady Personal Trainer Shot

Tuesday, 26 April 2011

My Yoga Challenge

I have always been intrigued by the concept of "hot yoga." I sweat enough as it is during a normal workout, why would I want to voluntarily do one in a hot and humid room?

There's a yoga studio close to the gym I work at so I thought i'd check them out...$30 for an unlimited 2 weeks? I'll go for that! So far I have completed 2 hot yoga classes and 1 75min Hatha class at this studio. WOW! I am completely hooked!

I have been practicing yoga on and off for 5 years, never anything formal, and mostly on my own. I have been to a few classes but nothing has ever stuck...and price is always a factor. I already feel like I am sleeping better and craving these classes when I have a day or two without yoga.

My goal after my 2 week pass is up is to try and go to hot yoga once a week. Once a week I will take time out of my crazy schedule and devote myself to my practice. I used to use yoga primarily to stretch and prevent injuries but this time I am appreciating the mediation part more and more.

Before class begins everyone lays out their mats, towels, water bottles, and face cloths, takes a Savasana pose and meditates. The first time I attempted this I found my mind wandering to my appointment book, my emails, anything but yoga. So I forced myself through a mediation. I used all my years of team sports experience to visualize an "ideal triathlon." I started from waking up in the morning and went through every detail until the finishline. I told myself I would feel stronger with every swim stroke, the hills on the bike would be gentle and rolling and I would fly over them, I made my transitions smooth and flawless, I was well hydrated and got into my running groove with ease. When the class began 15 min later I was in the moment, feeling the poses, holding my muscles and joints stronger than any other yoga class i've ever taken. When we finished the real savasana my mind was clear and I was ready to face the rest of my day.

As a person who generally stresses and worries about things that usually end up working themselves out I feel like this is what has been missing. Why did I never think to meditate myself into a positive mindset in the first place? Whatever the excuse is, it doesn't matter now, because I know how to overcome...I wish I had figured this out 2 years ago! Live and learn....and Namaste.

Saturday, 16 April 2011

Where would I be...

So I got to thinking today while helping out with measurements for a weight loss program...where would I be without fitness? The answer is pretty scary...I could be unhealthy, overweight, unmotivated, tired, unhappy...any of the above!

Having been an active child and teen with ringette, hockey, soccer, basketball, rugby, skiing and badminton I developed a comeptitive spirit that had stuck with me throughout my adult years...I hate to lose and I have to be the best! In college I went to the gym, I took step aerobics, I continued to play ringette and hockey...but the cometitiveness faded...for everyone else. I joined the ski patrol in hopes of skiing more often but it wasnt' enough, I needed something more.

When I started running I hated it...really hated it. I couldn't go for long and I had pains everywhere afterwards. My average distance was about 2Km and I remember having a couple pairs of running socks, one pair of shorts, one pair of tights and a couple dry-fit shirts...

My friend Rena and I decided to run the Ottawa Race Weekend was an amazing feeling to cross the finshline with the crowds, the race numbers, the finishers medals and a new passion. Running has always been about me. I race against myself and my own previous times.
It became obvious to me that running wouldn't be enough...there was this all women's triathlon...untimed, just for fun...ofcourse I had to try it! I was hooked instantly and the rest is pretty much history!

I learned how to sport-specific train, I read anything I could get my hands on about triathlon, running, cycling or swimming, and I trained. I bought the gear, I developed my own "race day routines" (which some would call picky) and I raced in every race I was able to. Eventually that wasn't enough either, recreation just wasn't going to cut it...but going pro seemed unrealistic, so what next?

When I finished my AFLCA Exercise Theory and Resistance Trainer course I knew someday I would have to do something with fitness as a career...but not totally sure what. When my career path wasnt' going where I wanted it to I made a decision...if the opportunity ever came up to change careers to something in the fitness industry I would take it and run.

I met some managers at Spa Lady Fitness and spoke to them about career potentials, they all liked me but I needed more credentials...almost immediately I registered to challenge the CanFit Pro exam and began studying. 5 weeks later I passed with flying colours and am now a Personal Trainer Specialist!

I absolutely LOVE my job and all my clients. I love thinking up new exercises, new workouts, and new ways to sweat...for once in my life, I know exactly where I need to be, and that's AWESOME!

So to answer my question...Where would I be without fitness???? I have no idea.

Just after a 10Km PB

Wednesday, 13 April 2011

Where to start? Today I was selected as a Sugoi Brand Champion. Basically that means I am eligible for discounted items and their exclusive Brand Champions clothing line...SWEET! A lot of the other brand champions have blogs so I thought this might be a good place to start...

I am a woman who makes lists...I make lists of goals, groceries, and general things I need to accomplish. I feel like this blog will consist mostly of lists, just because that's how I roll. In January I made a list (surpirse!) of things I will do this it is:

This year I will:
- become a Personal Trainer (yep, did that!)
-do more yoga
-raise $3000 for the ride to conquer cancer in memory of my cousin Linzi....
-complete an Olympic distance tri (registered for Aug 21!)
- run for fun
-become more confident on my mountain bike
-wear sunscreen more
-follow my heart
-appreciate the moment
-take pictures of the people I love
-continue with regular massages and pedicures