Wednesday, 19 October 2011

It's more than just a word...

The story behind my latest tattoo has been in the works since spring of 2009. I was at my absolute lowest point in life thus far and I refused to let it stop me from being myself. I dug deep and found strength in fitness and running. I needed that strength to pack up my things and drive across Canada to start a new life. I found it again when my Grandmother passed away a year later. I lost sight of how far I had come in the summer of 2010 but found it somewhere deep in a yoga pose. I needed that strength to be there for Linds when we found out the cancer had spread. I used her strength to inspire me to raise money for a cause and train for an epic journey. I shared strength with my family when Linds passed away and we pulled together to help eachother. I found the strength to leave a career I loved and took a chance on something new. I share my knowledge of strength everyday with my clients to make them stronger physically and in turn, emotionally. I remembered Linzi's strength somewhere south of Calgary and used it to push through rain and incredible winds to ride over 200km to conquer cancer.
I searched for a symbol to represent strength but came up with nothing remarkable...words are simple and to the point. I continue to set goals and use the strengths I have and all that I have learned a long the way to better myself and others around me...and obviously the pink and the L are for I never forget her strength. The location is on my right I can read it when I need to.

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