Thursday, 1 January 2015


New Year's Day. I'm sure there will be more than enough of this going on and even though I set my training goals in October when I'm planning my next race season it's a good time to put them out in the universe and make myself accountable to my goals and intentions for the year ahead.

In no particular order....
1. Sub 6 hour half ironman. I'm so close, with a few minor tweaks, this is more than achievable.

2. Squat my body weight. I have some work to do here...currently at #105 for 5 theory my 1RM based on that is about #130, 30lbs to go

3. Blogging more (oh heeeeyyyy). I've had this blog for some time, it's a good outlet, great place for race reports and gear reviews, might keep me out of trouble

4. Finish the 31km Birkie...Feb 14

5. Stay relatively injury free. Do my rehab exercises before I'm forced to, listening to my body.

6. Strength train all year. I normally take a break from May to Sept, just because of the volume of training and lack of time. My goal is one good lifting session per week.

7. Run my first full marathon. On the road. I've done an ultra on the trail, it's time to run the 42.2 on the black top. Edmonton Marathon.

8. Complete my CSIA level 1 and use it with my CADS training to make a big difference. I'll be doing that this weekend so watch for a course review!

9. Be more involved in my volunteer activities. I could seriously just do these as a career but as all of them require money I don't think that's going to happen. CADS and CSP are all taken care of but I'm looking forward to becoming more involved with the ETC.

10. Continue to have fun with my training and racing, I'm a better athlete when I'm relaxed and enjoying life...I'm not aiming for a sponsorship or worlds so why not be a happy gal and sing karaoke in transition, bike for beer, and run with a smile on my face.

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