Friday, 20 March 2015

Stuff I'm NOT diggin'

I like lots of things. I'll even go as far to say I LOVE lots of things. But there are some things I don't think i'll ever like. So for your reading enjoyment, here's a list of things that I DO NOT endorse:

1. Gym Tourists- That person who gets all dolled up to come to the gym and 'hang out'...they might look like they are just getting on the elliptical, they might peruse the weight room, but they never actually pick anything up or touch anything...yet they are there for hours. (Notice my proper use of 'there')

2. Scotch- I realise this makes me a heathen and I apologize, but it's gross.

3. Black Licorice- What the hell is this anyways? Tastes. Like. Feet.

4. -40- I love winter, do not mistake this for a rant against winter...but you can't DO anything in -40. the air hurts your face and lungs, it's dry, my car is unhappy, just no.

5. Band Aids- They're horrible, they don't stick, always floating at the bottom of the pool.

6. Feet- I don't even think I need to explain myself. (Might also taste like black licorice)

7. Air Conditioning- (fully understood that in some climates this is necessary) it makes me cold and sneezy and I don't like it. I've never used the AC in my car. I have a sunroof and it's awesome.

8. Wearing shoes- Anyone who knows me knows that as soon as I get home or to the cabin or to the reception of a wedding... i'm shoes off until I leave. My mom is constantly 'encouraging' me to wear shoes at the lake due to the dirtiness of my feet. I'm washable.

9. Blisters- This may very well be one of the reasons I hate shoes. I also don't think anyone likes blisters...but there is a strange satisfaction from popping one. (Stay tuned for a future post titled 'Weird things I like')

10. Bad coffee- I LOVE coffee, the smell, the taste, the way it makes me feel...but it better be good quality. And don't even get me started on things like 'whitener'...

11. Horrendous shipping costs- I get that the Canadian dollar isn't the greatest right now, but to charge 40 USD to ship a pair of shorts or 50 for my favorite nutrition supplements? It makes me stabby. The last few times this has happened I've actually emailed the companies and asked what could be done and one changed the entire shipping cost to Canada for all future orders (WIN) and the other told me to try shopping through another source...which actually worked.

12. Meatloaf, meat pies, casserole...basically anything with ground beef that's not chili. Why? I do not know, it just doesn't sit right with my oral sensory receptors and I won't do it. To be perfectly honest, it may very well be the red meat. I only really enjoy a good steak and that's few and far between. Give me ALL the chicken and fish!

13. People who can't spell or use proper grammar. Sigh...your means it belongs to you. You're means YOU ARE!

Wednesday, 11 March 2015

Stuff I'm Diggin...the latest and greatest

This segment is meant to be about 'stuff' but today's edition will feature a place I love where I can buy the stuff I love!

Fast Trax Run and Ski Shop is the best place in Western Canada to buy running shoes, truth. We voted on it for the Reader's Choice Awards for Get Out There Magazine!

Being a trainer and a runner myself I always have people and clients ask me where they should buy running shoes. I have never once told anyone anything other than Fast Trax. Here's why:

1. Their staff run. They really do! And not that it matters, but most of them are FAST

2. They know their product. Here's what happens when I go into the store for shoes:
Me: "Hi, I need shoes for...(insert running discipline here...track, long distance, trail, recovery)"
Fast Trax Staff (FTS): "Ok, what are you running in now and what size do you need?"
Me: "Well I have (insert shoe brand and model) for track and (again...shoe) for trail and I loooove my (yet another shoe) for everyday workouts. I'm an 8.5-9 depending on what shoe."
FTS: "sounds good, i'm thinking (insert shoe) but i'll see what we have" (heads to the mystery room full of beautiful shoes)
(meanwhile, I browse, pick out a new pair of socks, oogle the shoes...)
FTS: "ok, so we've got.....(list the pile of boxes in hand)"
Me: "Great!" (begin to try on shoes, walk around, jog on the treadmill, eliminate them one by one, probably ending up with the same shoe as before, just in a new color) "I'll take these and some pink laces, because pink is faster, it's science."

I'd also like to let it be known that I've left with what I thought were the best shoes for me and come back after a few indoor runs and exchanged them for what is really the best shoes for me.

3. They give back to their peeps. Not only do they have FREE run groups and sponsor various races in #YEG, they have sponsored athletes for winter and summer! They have a group of elite athletes and 2 (one gal, one guy) everyday athletes. ACTUALLY, I am just finishing my 'term' as an everyday sponsored athlete for the year. And once i'm back to paying full price for stuff, i'll STILL shop Fast Trax first!

4. They know you. Perhaps being a sponsored athlete has helped, but I've often asked on their FB page if they have a product in and if so, can they PUH-lease put it aside for me and gone in a few days later to have the item being handed to me (practically) as I walk in the store. Talk about service!

5. It's not just running. Cross country skiing...well, if you read my blog you've seen my 'journey' of winter training and how it relates to this sport. Both complete sets of skis, boots, poles and bindings I have (and hubby's too) were purchased at FT. They took the time to fit and measure us all up for the perfect ski equipment, wax it all up and give a few tips along the way. And when it came time to race the Birkie (3rd in AG- BOOM!) they had a waxing recommendation that I never would have thought of myself...I trusted them, and guess what? It worked.

I know i'm not the only athlete in town that loves Fast Trax, and i'm sure they are getting a ton of publicity with the Reader's Choice vote, but I thought they deserved a shout out...SHOUT OUT FAST TRAX!

Saturday, 7 March 2015

Decisions Decisions

So I know I said I was going to run the marathon this year and a bunch of other things...BUT sometimes things change. Things are still up in the air but my race season is shaping up a little differently than I planned.
I changed jobs recently and my new employer always puts a few teams in for the Hubbles Tri (formerly Mission 3 and Cross Cancer) so it looks like they're recruited me to swim on a team doing the Olympic distance.
My new ambassador-ship with CEP Canada has a little dealio with 5 peaks...and I think I heard my husband mention something about possibly wanting to race the series this year...I may join him.
And then there's ITU...Well I heard World AG is in Mexico in 2016 and there are 10 qualifying spots for each AG in the sprint distance...hmmmmm it's very tempting.

So many races, so much awesome summer to be had...stay tuned to see what's next!