A) Keep my mileage up over the cold months
B) Spend more time outside enjoying our beautiful city
C) Justify a purchase of classic cross country skis
The first event was the Pack Mentality 25km run with partner, I signed up with running guru Craig Brososky with the intention that neither of us had been putting in a ton of mileage and it would just be a casual jog in the river valley. I had a good 18 or so Km in me but after we hit Keillor Road and headed down the trail towards Hawrelack my IT Band locked up and I began to limp. Craig, being the Physio-God that he is wouldn't let me hurt myself more so we hiked (which is an important step up from walking) in the last few km and finished on the Kinsmen steps in a mere 3 hours and 14 min.
Team Craessica, Pre-race
After the Pack Mentality I, of course managed to contract the classic post-race cold. which lasted well until xmas. Swimming and lifting took over as my regular fitness routine and the only runs I was doing were with my ETC pal Andras. We run the same LSD speed and usually manage to have a good chat along the ravine. I did manage a few runs with the rest of the ETC crazies...an amazing group of diverse triathletes!
Before I knew it, January was gone and it was time for the Hypothermic Half...WHAT?!?!?!
January had been relatively mild, I was sure the Hypo would be on pavement in the sunshine...The week before we got about 10cm of new snow and the temperature dropped to -20. Once again I felt like the mileage just hadn't been there, I had been on and off with my IT Band and I hadn't ran with Andras at all in January. He said he would run with me anyways and we would see how it went. The first 10km were fast, we averaged a 5:16/km pace and I felt strong. Then my piriformis locked up and I had to slow down. I convinced Andras to keep going without me while I walk-ran my way to a 2:06 finish...which really, wasn't all that bad. We all came home with a very glittery medal that spins...and brunch.
The very next weekend was the Canadian Birkebiener, originally I had signed up for the 31km event but since I hadn't been on my skis since Xmas eve I decided to drop down to the 13km event and just ski it for fun and for the experience of my first Birkie. With all that new snow from the week before the Hypo we were set for some lovely track setting and a good solid ski...until it snowed 10cm the night before. On top of freezing rain. Colin and I headed out to the Waskehagen Staging area early because i'm picky like that.
We hung around the site for about 90min, trying to stay warm, drinking cider...
When it finally came time to begin getting ready we checked my ski kick wax for the 100th time, I ate my PB and banana sammie and shedded my nice warm down-filled jacket.
Betty Designs represent!
I lined up close-ish to the start because I knew that there would be a huuuuuuge amount of slow skiers to pass. The beginning was pretty frustrating as the new snow made for tough passing and no grip. I decided to just pass when I could and take a break when I got enough ahead to stay ahead. Needless to say, a lot of my race was anaerobic. Around the 7km mark the 13km event joined with the 31km event and the trail was impeccably groomed, knowing I was over half way I relaxed and tried to enjoy the hills...LOL.
I crossed the finish line with a huge smile, knowing I had skied hard and my winter races were over (!!!)
We were hanging around the event site (drinking cider again) and caught the results on the screen, I was over the moon to see that I had placed 3rd in my age group with a time of 1:22 and I had also placed 38 overall in the 13km event (out of over 270 people)!!!!
On the podium!
So looking back on my winter of racing, I'm going to call it a moderate success. Still battling some nagging injuries but my fitness is where I wanted to keep it, now to focus on some solid swim training to get ready for GWN 2015!
***And just to add icing on the cake...i'm excited to announce ive been chosen to be an ambassador for CEP Compression! More details to come soon about this awesome company!***
Like I always say...If you CAN compress it, why WOULDN'T you?!?!?!